Monday, January 27, 2020

Resilience in children

Resilience in children Abstract There is a great deal of research into resilience in children, whether they are housed or homeless. However, there is less research about resilience in adults, whether they are housed or homeless. Childrens well-being, which includes their resilience, is directly correlated with that of the adults in their families. Given this reality I decided to investigate if resilience reduces negative effects of homelessness in adults and in their transition after becoming housed. The information I find can be useful for those working with adults who are homeless and those making the transition from being homeless to being housed. Literature review According to the Stuart B. McKinney Act, a person is considered homeless if he or she lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence and has a primary night time residence that is: 1) supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations; 2) an institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, including mental health facilities or hospitals; 3) a public or private place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings, which includes cars and parks. This definition does not include those imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to an act of Congress or a state law (NCH, Fact Sheet #3). Difficult childhoods (including sexual and/or physical abuse, addiction, mental illness, and so on) may play a role in adult homelessness. More women report living with an abusive parent than men (Smith, et al, p. 5). Battered women who live in poverty are often forced to choose between abusive relationships and homelessness (NCH, Fact Sheet #3). Approximately half of all women and children experiencing homelessness are fleeing domestic violence (NCH, Fact Sheet #3). Immigrants also cite language barriers (Smith et al, page 13). Many kinds of people become homeless, leading to a diverse homeless population (Tompsett, p 86). It is important to include the services that are most important for that particular group, especially in this time of limited funds for services (Tompsett, pp 87). Even though homelessness affects people in different ways, it can have a corrosive effect on peoples self-esteem and well-being; fifty-three percent of respondents say that being homeless destroyed their self-esteem and self-confidence. Unlike gender, age, ethnicity and nationality made no difference in how people answered the questions (Smith et al, page 9). Thirty-nine percent of men and nine percent of women said that being homeless led to depression, mental health problems and anxiety (Smith, page 10). However, many women report being depressed and having a history of mental health problems prior to homelessness (Smith et al, page 10). Homelessness can damage: peoples capability through loss of skills; their inability to think about employment while worrying housing; their health becoming impaired while homeless; their resilience and self-confidence, particularly mens (Smith, et al, page 9). This emphasizes the need to activities that help people build self-esteem and the social interactions helping them release their capabilities (Smith et al, page 10). The literature I found does not explain how these activities help in this way. Whether or not people develop depression or resilience depends mostly on their feelings of powerlessness or capability and the belief that one is can plan and carry out plans to achieve their goals. In order to become resilient, they must feel they are able to do something about the situations and meet their challenges. Depression can develop when someone doubts their ability to find a successful solution (Grotberg, page 66). Feelings of powerlessness can be changed to those of capability by teaching the five basic building blocks of resilience: trust, autonomy, initiative, industry, and identity (Grotberg, page 67). What is resilience? Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats, or significant sources of stress; it means bouncing back from difficult experiences (APA, p. 2). Resilience is a persons ability to rely on their own core self-belief and stability, enabling him or her to successfully resist harmful life events that would damage someone else (Smith et al, p. 3). Reactions to stress are not isolated events; they are the consequences of what has occurred before. There is a dynamic interaction of patterns of coping responses, personality characteristics, social support (Tusaie and Dyer, p. 6) Research shows that resilience is commonplace not extraordinary or exceptional. People commonly demonstrate resilience. Resilience involves behaviors, thoughts, and actions that can be learned and developed in anyone (APA, p. 2). Resilience is a dynamic process whereby individuals can show great coping skills in the face of significant adversity. It is not one-dimensional but a sort of chain reaction that leads to resilience later; that chain reaction begins when children are very young (Gorman, et al). Many professionals believe that resilience can be learned. Others debate whether or not resilient qualities are learned or part of ones genetic nature. These resilient characteristics have been referred to as protective factors defined as the positive conditions, personal and social resources that promote resiliency, protect and buffer the individual, and reduce the potential for high-risk behaviors (MHW) footnote the definition or developmental assets, defined as the positive relationships, opportunities, skills, and values that promote the positive development of all children and adolescents []footnote the definition(Richardson, page 309). Experts disagree about how much of resilience is genetic. People seem to differ in their inborn ability to handle lifes stresses. Resilience can be cultivated. To the degree it is learned, resilience seems to develop out of the challenge to maintain self-esteem. (Psychology Today, page 1). Resilience is a complex process that is in some ways as unpredictable as the weather. A number of negative factors may weaken resilience. Those factors include violence, physical or sexual abuse, direct exposure to alcoholism and removal from the home. The toll increases as the negative factors increase. If resilience is strength under adversity, then multiple-risk exposures (four or more) limit emotional endurance (Gorman, et al, page A53). Attitudes and characteristics of resilient people Research often focuses on limitations, negatives and the problematic. As a result, strengths may be often overlooked. Research shows that women between the ages of 35 and t3 years who had overcome homelessness and found that they had person, interpersonal and transpersonal strengths such as pride, moral principles, determination, and commitment to personal relationships citation. These strengths served to protect them from adverse health outcomes associated with being homeless. Homeless adolescents found numerous pathways to health. In particular, participants exhibited self-confidence and considered themselves to be the primary resource for health promotion (Rew and Horner, p. 90). Research also shows that the motivation for engaging in health promotive behaviors stems more from positive factors or strengths, such as the desire for growth and human potential than from negative factors (Rew and Horner, p. 91). Resilient people harness inner strengths and rebound more quickly from a setback or challenge. Those who are less resilient may dwell on problems, feel victimized, become overwhelmed and turn to unhealthy coping mechanisms, such as substance abuse (Mayo Clinic, p. 1). Those who lived with relationship trauma can develop resilient qualities associated with resilience. They may develop strategies for managing chaos that can become assets if they can work through their downside. Those who have thrived despite the odds can be inventive when dealing with problems. Their ability to think outside the box think differently, unconventionally or from a new perspective, be creative and smart-thinking footnote the definition when solving complex family situations shows creativity and originality, which are assets in all areas of life. Humor is another asset of those coming from problematic backgrounds. Humor is used for very specific reasons, including managing the unmanageable, lightening the familys emotional load by easing tension, and finding alternative ways to bond and feel good (Dayton, pages 99-100). Steve At the heart of resilience is a belief in oneself and a belief in something larger than oneself. Resilient people dont let adversity define them, move towards a goal beyond themselves and transcend pain and grief by perceiving bad times as a temporary state of affairs (Psychology Today, p. 1). Resilient people see their problems as a temporary state of affairs rather than a permanent state; tend not to globalize; have the capacity to see beyond themselves into a different kind of life; believe that life will work out (optimistic) (Dayton, page 101). Resilience helps us understand that adversity can help develop strength (Dayton, page 103). There are many ways to build resilience, including: 1) reach out to make connections, create a support system, find someone who believes in you wholeheartedly, find people who can help you (Psychology Today, page; APA, page 4;Mayo Clinic); 2) keep things in perspective (APA, age 4; Mayo Clinic); avoid seeing crises as insurmountable problems; 3) accept that change is a part of living; move toward your goals; take decisive actions; look for opportunities for self-discovery; nurture a positive view of yourself; maintain a hopeful outlook (APA, page 4; Mayo Clinic); take care of yourself (APA, page 4). 4) Reframe and reinterpret past events to find the strengths one had all along (Psychology Today; Dayton, page 107). 5) Be self-aware; gain skills and tools for staying safe; help others; teach parenting skills, when possible (Gorman, et al). 6) Learn from your experiences (Mayo Clinic, p. ; Collingwood, p. 2). 7) Dont retreat from life; ask penetrating questions and answer them honestly. 8) Take a while to think through the problem to find the best solution and then tell yourself to take the first step (Dayton, p. 108; Collingwood, p. 2). 9) Develop inner resources and strengthen inner self; work through unresolved issues from the past; maintain good boundaries; stay away from victim thinking (Dayton, pp. 108-109). Activities help people build their self-esteem and the social interactions that help them release their capabilities. These activities include creative writing, art and crafts, music, and walking. Doing so enabled them to relax and feel more positive about life, as well as developing transferable skills. These activities also reached those who were most vulnerable and marginalized, including those misusing substances and those most severely mentally ill (Smith et al, page 10). Steve The most commonly reported sources of informal support include family, friends, as well as faith and community organizations (Smith et al, page 13). The amount of contact homeless people have varies depending on their circumstances. Services are often identified as a key source of support and are used in a variety of ways. Services that participants consider the most important include affordable housing, day centers and shelters, learning and training opportunities, translation services, detox and substance abuse programs, and other health services (medical and mental health) (Smith et al, pages 13, 15, 18). People experiencing homelessness use services in different ways (Smith et al, page 21). Some need practical help for brief times while others likely need those services for much longer. The best services are those that are inclusive, open access and treat their service uses with respect and empathy (Smith et al, page 21). Employment and entry to the labor market are currently thought of as the main way out of poverty and welfare dependency. Developing job skills that improve their chances of employment is important but should happen at the expense of activities that build self-esteem and social interactions (Smith et al, page 21). Developing resilience is a personal lifelong journey, one worth making.

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Nathaniel Hawthornes Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment :: Literature Authors Essays

Nathaniel Hawthorne's Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment Leon Trotsky, the Russian revolutionist, wrote in his Diary in Exile, " The depth and strength of a human character are defined by its moral reserves. People reveal themselves completely only when they are thrown out of the customary conditions of their life, for only then do they have to fall back on their reserves." Nathaniel Hawthorne gives us a 19th century example of this phenomenon in "Dr. Heidegger’s Experiment". The theme of this story is that a person’s character, once developed does not change over time, and when faced with conflict and adversity, their true character becomes boldly evident. Hawthorne himself provides the narration, although he does not identify his character, nor is his character present during the experiment. The narrator appears to be telling this story based on events relayed to him by other people, and there are times throughout the story when Hawthorne admits that the events are sometimes unbelievable. He leads us to question whether this story actually takes place, or is the story merely a tool, a demonstration of a moral Puritan principle, similar to a parable found in the Bible. The effect is the same: a lesson about morality, about living life as God would want us to, and the consequences we suffer when we fail to do so. Relevant symbols are abounding in this story, from setting to names to objects. The dim room that the five occupy is a symbol of death, the death that they will soon face. Complete with dust, cobwebs and a skeleton, the description of the room is more like that of a mausoleum, instead of the good Dr.’s study. The oak bookcases are reminiscent of the wood that will create their coffins. More peculiar is the large black folio. The folio is a scrapbook that represents Dr. Heidegger’s life. We all have a folio. It is that glimpse of our own lives, that flash we see briefly but completely right before our eyes when faced with the unexpected reality of our own death. God sees this folio also, but in a manner more thoroughly than we would. In this sense Dr. Heidegger symbolizes God. But is Heidegger in fact playing God by giving these poor souls this elixir of life?

Saturday, January 11, 2020

Race Roits Essay

In order to get beyond racism, we must first take account of there is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally we must treat them differently† – Harry A Blackman. It shows how racial tension between African Americans and whites provoked the riot because they were treated differently because of their race. The Chicago race riot occurred July 29, 1919 and it lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in Chicago’s history. The riot occurred because of racial tension between African Americans and whites. The Chicago race riot occurred July 29, 1919 and it lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in Chicago’s history. The riot occurred because of racial tension between African Americans and whites. The riot was provoked by inequality, racial tension, and discrimination Prejudice, wars, and inventions have been going on since the beginning of time, but in the 19th century that is when those three things are the most significant because it changed the atmosphere of the United States. First, in the 19th century segregation was going on in the U. S, but more in the south than anywhere else. During the year of 1914 many of the states in the south required separated entrances for blacks and whites. Next, in the 1910’s the U. S just finished going into war. The decade was affected harshly because of the war. The war left the United States with storage of food, money and etc. Finally, the 1900’s brought new inventions to the United States. The First flight took place by the Wright brother, and Henry ford crated his first ford car model. Those inventions changed the way people took transportation making them get to their destination quicker. (Danzer, Alva, Krieger, Wilson, Woloch) Three street riots were East St. Louis, Springfield, and Chicago. These three riots happen because of racial tension and inequality between African Americans and whites. First, in 1917 a riot broke out in East St. Louis. The riot occurred because of racial tension. There was racial tension because the whites were on strike, so the owners decided to give the jobs to the African Americans. The whites were angered by this so they decided to take control and a riot broke out. Second, in 1908a riot broke out in Springfield because of inequality. The riot broke out in Springfield because an African American man was falsely accused of rape. Lastly, in 1919 a huge riot took place in Chicago. The riot occurred because of a death of an African American child. This riot was the biggest riot in Illinois history. So in conclusion, racial tension and inequality between African Americans and whites are the two main reasons why these riots occurred. (Encyclopedia of Chicago) The Division Street riot was a turning point on history because they showed how racial the government was, how violent and dangerous riots can be and how they riot can affect the atmosphere. First, in the Chicago riot there were cases were police would only arrest African Americans for having possessions of weapons and not whites. There was also the case that sparked the Chicago riot when a police refused to arrest the gang that killed Eugene Williams. †Chicago Race Riot of 1919†Ã¢â‚¬  The Chicago Race Riot of 1919†. That shows that the government was very racial towards African Americans when it came to arresting or anything else during the riot because the police didn’t help the African American man when Eugene Williams was drowning. Second, the riots showed how dangerous and violent they can become. In the Chicago riot it was so out of hand it wasn’t until the government had to call in the State Military to calm down the riot. Also in the East St. Louis riot the National Guards had to be called in to stop the white mobs. â€Å"Race Riot† â€Å" East St. Louis Race Riot: July 2, 1917†. This shows that the race riots became so out of hand that the Government had to call in the National Guards and the State Military because the riots were getting to out of control, and out of their reach and power. Lastly, the riots changed the atmosphere of the place where the riots occurred because it made many people suggested creating zoning laws to formally segregated housing in Chicago, or other restrictions preventing blacks to work in the same workplace as whites. Some African Americans were rejected by liberal white voters. The riots made the two races not get along even more because before the riots there were already racial tension between African Americans and whites. So in conclusion, the Division Street riot was a turning point on history because they showed how racial the government was, how violent and dangerous riots can be and how they riot can affect the atmosphere. Discrimination towards African American provoked the riot. First, when Tabitha C Wong writes â€Å"angry white workers lodged a formal complaint against black migration. After the meeting ended news of an attempted robbery of a white man by an armed black man began to circulate though the city. † This explains how in the East St. Louis riot whites were angered when African Americans took their jobs. â€Å"East St. Louis Race Riot: July 2, 1917† Second in the Springfield riot the trial, the woman told the judge that she was not raped by the two men. Another place this can be seen is when Springfield, Illinois race riot writes about† Mabel Hallem later recalled her accusative against George Richardson and Joe James when it was discovered she had probably fabricated the story to cover up an affair. † Second in the Springfield riot the trial for the African Americans were racially unfair. â€Å"The Accused: George Richardson† Third, Steven Essig writes about â€Å"the determination of many whites to deny African Americans equal opportunities in employment, housing and political representation has frequently resulted in sustained violent clashes. † Some whites didn’t want African American the same opportunity so they decided to deny them certain chances that whites would be able to do. (Encyclopedia of Chicago) Finally in the Springfield, East St. Louis, and Chicago riot dealt with discrimination which provoked the riot. Inequality provoked the riot making African Americans have fewer resources than whites. First, a great example can be found in The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle Class Reform when Philpott writes about how† they had no gas baths or toilets plumbing very bad: toilet leaks; bowl broken; leak in kitchen sink; (180). This shows that inequality between whites and African Americans made the African Americans have terrible living environment. Next, a great example can be found in The Slum and the Ghetto: Neighborhood Deterioration and Middle Class Reform when Philpott talks about how â€Å"a write once summed up the Negro question by saying â€Å"the North has principles and the South has the Negroes. †(146). It shows how the North (whites) had principles, and the South has Negroes (bad living environment). So it shows how because of inequality the African Americans didn’t have a good housing opportunity. Lastly, since schools were segregated whites had a better learning opportunity than African Americans. When the schools were segregated the African Americans did not have the same learning opportunity as white. The teachers were not able to teach the African American children how to read, or write. â€Å"Imprisoned or Teaching Free Blacks† So in conclusion, inequality provoked the riot making African Americans have terrible living environments, terrible housing opportunities, and terrible education. Racial tension provoked the riot making African Americans and whites not get along. First a great example of this can be found in â€Å"Gangs that came to rule in seats of power† when Kass writes about the â€Å"Hamburgs ignited the worst and deadliest race riot in Chicago’s history in 1919†. That shows how the riot started because of the racial tension between African Americans and whites because they didn’t get along. Second police were racial to African Americans. A great example of this can be found in â€Å"Chicago and its eight reasons† when the White writes about â€Å"in one case a colored man who was trailer for weapons, and whites were not trailed, and they were all together in a bunch†. This shows how the police didn’t want to arrest whites, but they were willing to arrest African Americans. It also proves that they were racist towards African Americans. Finally African Americans and Whites were segregated. A great example of this can be found when Essig writes about â€Å"an African American teenager who had crossed an invisible line at 29th Street separating customarily segregated â€Å"white† and â€Å"black† beaches†. That proves that white and black had separate things and they didn’t get along. So in conclusion, gangs racial tension, and segregation were part of the racial tension that provoked the riot. The Division Street riots had an impact history because led to African Americans getting better treatment later on in history. First, the Springfield riot brought about the NAACP. The NAACP stands for National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. The NAACP was created to ensure the political right, educational, and social economic equality of minority groups â€Å"Our Mission†. The NAACP fought for African Americans to have better treatment. The NAACP was created after the Springfield riot because they wanted to make sure that African Americans and other minority groups have the same rights as whites. Second, the NAACP had led up to greater things. The NAACP was a major part in the Civil Rights Movement with Martin Luther King as one of the leader â€Å" NAAC: 100 years of History†; leading African Americans through the Civil Rights movement taking them one step closer to integration. With Martin Luther king as one of the leaders of the NAACP and Civil Rights movement, with his dead and everything he did for the African Americans eventually led up to him being known as a great man, and making everyone in his time period including African Americans and Whites become segregated. Lastly, city officials organized the Chicago Commission on Race Relations to look into the cause of riots and find was to combat them. The Chicago Commission on Race Relations was created after the Chicago race riot. The Chicago Commission was a great source if information after the Chicago riot because they suggested several key issues including competition for jobs, thinking of ways to fix the problems. † The Chicago Race Riot of 1919† In conclusion, the Division Street Riots were turning points in history because the NAACP was formed, the NAACP led up to greater things and the Chicago Commission fixing race relations and their problems. The Chicago riot occurred July,27 1919 and it lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in Chicago’s history. The occurred because of racial tension between African Americans and Whites. Inequality, racial tension, and discrimination provoked the riot. The Chicago Riot that lasted for 8 days and it was a turning point in History. Due to racial tension between African Americans and Whites a riot broke out . In Order to get beyond racism we ,must first take account of there is no other way. And in order to treat some persons equally we must first treat them differently- Harry A Blackman. Even though the Chicago riot left 38 people dead, it still was the most dangerous riot in Illinois History.

Friday, January 3, 2020

The Benefits Of A Lifestyle Essay - 1714 Words

The Benefits of a Mindful Lifestyle in Multiple Populations According to Roger Walsh, a psychologist at the University of California, mental health professionals are relying more and more on medication to treat mental disorders. Walsh argues, however, that most mental disorders can be effectively treated by having a client make simple changes to their lifestyle. Lifestyle medicine, the branch of medicine dealing with the treatment of disorders by having a person change their way of living, focuses on how therapeutic lifestyle changes (including exercise, diet, recreation, relaxation, and service to others, just to name a few) affect psychopathology. In this setting, psychopathology refers to the collective features of clients’ mental health. Therapeutic lifestyle changes (TLCs) can be especially beneficial for clients who engage in unhealthy habits that may factor into to mental disorders. In fact, unhealthy lifestyles contribute to both poor mental health and poor physical health. Many serious, potentially deadly diseases today, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and some forms of cancer are strongly impacted by a person’s lifestyle choices. In this paper, however, the focus will be on the effects of TLCs on mental health. In his article Lifestyles and Mental Health, Walsh mentions the benefits of using TLCs in place of excessive medication or psychotherapy. Usually, TLCs are affordable and accessible to most clients. Although some methods may require spendingShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of a Healthy Lifestyle707 Words   |  3 Pagesaccidents, natural disasters and many other things, but what we don’t realize is that sometime we can be our own worst enemy. Our lives could be so much easier if we lead a healthy lifestyle. There are countless benefits in many areas, so, what are these benefits? 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